Privasee vs Conveyor
Learn why 200+ companies have already switched
Privasee keeps your knowledge base up to date

Privasee delivers smarter automation for faster workflows
Privasee sets you up in under an hour with no long onboarding
- Get started instantly with no complex implementation.
- Conveyor takes weeks to fully onboard, delaying automation benefits.

Privasee is more affordable with a better ROI
Want a more in-depth comparison?
Confident answers in minutes

Add any existing information to your knowledge base including policies, historical questionnaires or product brochures.
Upload a new questionnaire or brief and our RFP platform will provide verified responses with 98% accuracy. Any answer for which we need your input is free.
Save verified responses to your knowledge base. They will be used to generate future answers.

Setup In Under 30 Minutes
Create an account, upload historical questionnaires or policies and you're ready to go!

Tabs? Conditional Logic? No Problem
Our RFP software scans documents in any format. Upload them & we'll do our magic.

Make It Easy For Your Colleagues
Allow them to review, update or confirm answers with a few clicks. You won't need their input again.

Verified Answers Only
70-80% of RFP entries are completed automatically with 98% accuracy.

Self Updating Knowledge Base
We flag any contradicting or out of date information automatically.

Legal & Regulatory Scans
We track changes to regulations like GDPR, ePrivacy or CCPA to keep your answers up to date.
Put Privasee to the Test
Upload your documents. We take care of the rest.
No Credit Card Required
Frequently asked questions
Privasee automates 70–80% of the RFP response process by pre-filling answers with 98% accuracy. Instead of manually drafting responses, your team can focus on reviewing and refining content, reducing response times significantly.
Yes, our RFP platform is designed to work with various formats, including those with tabs, conditional logic, and embedded files. Just upload your document, and Privasee will manage the complexity.
Our platform combines AI-driven automation, a self-updating knowledge base, and industry-leading accuracy to deliver the most efficient RFP software experience. It’s built to eliminate repetitive tasks and provide peace of mind for your team.
Yes, Privasee is designed to handle RFIs, DDQs, and other procurement-related questionnaires. Our flexible RFP platform ensures you can streamline responses across multiple document types.
Yes, Privasee integrates seamlessly with popular tools like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and CRM platforms to enhance your workflow and keep everything connected.
Privasee delivers responses with 98% accuracy by leveraging AI and your verified knowledge base. This reduces the need for extensive manual editing and ensures high-quality answers.
Yes! We offer a free trial with no credit card required. This allows you to experience the time-saving benefits of Privasee’s RFP software risk-free.